1 - 2001 IUFRO Greenwich, UK.pdf - The study conducted by Keith Reynolds and Scott Peets focuses on prioritizing watersheds and stream reaches for protection and restoration in the Chewaucan Basin, Oregon. Using logic models and an analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the study evaluates the condition and restoration feasibility of both watersheds and individual stream reaches, facilitating a multi-dimensional landscape analysis. This methodology provides a structured and repeatable process for adaptive management, aiming to maintain habitat integrity and enhance the restoration efforts for vulnerable aquatic ecosystems.
2 - 2002 Env Management Stoms et al.pdf - The study by David M. Stoms and colleagues explores the use of fuzzy logic to evaluate land suitability for scientific research reserves, particularly for the University of California Natural Reserve System (UC NRS). Fuzzy logic is applied to handle imprecise and often conflicting criteria when selecting sites, incorporating a top-down decision support tool that uses GIS data to assess suitability based on a variety of ecological and administrative factors. The study specifically addresses site selection for vernal pool habitats near the proposed UC campus in Merced, using a three-stage process to refine and detail site assessments.
3 - 2002 Transportation Research johnston et al.pdf - The text discusses UPlan, a GIS-based urban growth model designed for transportation planning, which simplifies the traditionally complex and costly calibration process of urban models. UPlan operates on ArcView GIS, allocating urban growth by testing various scenarios and allowing for easy adjustments to land use assumptions. It's part of a broader trend in urban modeling that integrates land use and transportation planning, made increasingly necessary by policies like the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) to better account for network improvements' impacts on urban development, congestion, and environmental factors.
4 - 2002 Wood Compat Init logic.pdf - The discussed paper explores the application of logic-based models to assess the sustainability of temperate and boreal forests using the Montreal criteria and indicators. The study aims to illustrate a framework for evaluating the compatibility among various resource values and forest uses, by utilizing criteria and indicators as essential information tools in forest management. It also introduces the potential of fuzzy logic networks to represent and manage the complexities and vagueness inherent in sustainability assessments, particularly at regional and national levels.
5 - 2002 Wood Compat Init social.pdf - The workshop proceedings focus on understanding the social acceptability of natural resource decision-making processes, particularly in forest management. Key findings from the workshop highlight the importance of using knowledge-based logic modeling systems, like NetWeaver, to evaluate how public opinions are formed and incorporate them effectively into management strategies. Although there are concerns regarding the potential limitations of such models, the emphasis on process over outcomes can help resource management agencies develop more socially acceptable policies.
6 - 2003 Env Management Girvetz & Shilling.pdf - The study examines a method for assessing the environmental impact of road systems in the Tahoe National Forest using the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system. By integrating fuzzy logic and spatial data, the analysis identified roads with high potential environmental impacts, allowing for the modification of road networks to balance access and ecological integrity. This approach offers a cost-effective tool for public agencies to evaluate infrastructure impacts on natural systems, potentially aiding in broader environmental risk assessments and resource management planning.
7 - 2003 NCWAP Methods Bleier et al.pdf - The North Coast Watershed Assessment Program (NCWAP) is a collaborative initiative by various California state agencies to evaluate watershed health in the North Coast region. This 2003 Methods Manual outlines the program's goals, methodologies, and data collection strategies across multiple environmental factors including geology, vegetation, water quality, and fish habitats. The manual also acknowledges contributions from academic institutions and community stakeholders, and it emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary approaches and scientific input in watershed assessment and management.
8 - 2004 Emulating Natural Forest, Chapter13.pdf - The text describes a scholarly work focused on understanding and applying the concept of emulating natural forest landscape disturbances, edited by Ajith H. Perera, Lisa J. Buse, and Michael G. Weber. It highlights the alteration of forest landscape patterns in the inland northwest United States due to human activities, leading to significant ecological shifts from historical baselines. The work proposes a method to estimate current departures from these historic conditions, aiming to inform landscape restoration strategies using a Decision Support System for better ecological management and sustainability.
9 - 2004 Env Mod & Software Dai et al.pdf - The article discusses the development and application of a knowledge-based model for watershed assessment concerning sediment, called the Watershed Assessment for Sediment (WAS), designed by J.J. Dai and collaborators at the University of California, Davis. The model aims to support sediment Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessment and monitoring by utilizing the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system and employing fuzzy logic for knowledge-based approximate reasoning. This approach facilitates complex decision-making tasks related to water pollution control, allowing for integrated, flexible, and easily communicated watershed condition assessments to support regulatory and land-use decisions.
10 - 2004 J Exp For Wang et al.pdf - This study focuses on utilizing the Ecosystem Management Decision Support System (EMDS) to create a wildlife habitat distribution model for the Shan-Ping area in the Liukuei Experimental Forest, Taiwan. By integrating habitat suitability concepts with GIS spatial analysis, the study aims to produce distribution maps for species like the Spinous country-rat, Formosan macaque, Formosan ferret-badger, and Formosan Reeve's muntjac. Results indicate that the habitat suitability in this region is majorly influenced by forest types, with findings providing valuable insight for wildlife habitat monitoring and forest ecosystem management.
11 - 2004 J Photogram Wang et al.pdf - This research discusses the development and application of an ecosystem management decision support system (EMDS) for forestry, which integrates a hierarchical land classification structure and mathematical programming. The system is applied to forest land suitability analysis, exemplified by assessing potential suitable areas for Taiwania trees in forest management. The study highlights that the system aids rapid and efficient forest planning, aligning with various management levels, and suggests that fuzzy logic enhances the credibility of ecological evaluations, making the assessment of potential Taiwania tree areas a valuable tool for future species selection and forest productivity improvements.
12 - 2004 Land Classification Cheng.pdf - Taiwan is characterized by its diverse environments, including significant slope land and varied forest ecosystems which face ecological challenges due to natural and human-induced factors. The island's governance has prioritized soil and water conservation, biodiversity preservation, and sustainable forest management, creating a comprehensive environmental protection framework. A case study conducted by the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute highlights innovative approaches in forestland classification, which aims to enhance sustainable forest ecosystem management across the island.
14 - 2005 Env Mod & Software Janssen et al.pdf - The paper discusses the EVALUWET project, which aims to develop a decision support system for integrated wetland management across Europe, specifically focusing on the Dutch region of Noord-Hollands Midden as a case study. This project addresses the need for a multidisciplinary approach combining natural and social sciences to evaluate alternative water management strategies for their impacts on ecological, social, and economic values. Spatial evaluation and multicriteria analysis techniques are utilized, supporting stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes regarding wetland preservation, as influenced by the European Union's Water Framework Directive.
15 - 2007 Forest Planning Stolle et al.pdf - The study aims to map and assess environmental fragility in forest plantation areas using decision support tools like fuzzy logic and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It highlights the impact of forest activities on environmental degradation, noting the importance of suitable management practices to mitigate these effects. The study employs methodologies from prior research including the Ecosystem Management Decision Support System (EMDS) to analyze variables like soil type and forest activities, assigning fragility values and employing logical operators to evaluate environmental vulnerability.
16 - 2007 GTR PSW-194_06 (NCWAP).pdf - The North Coast Watershed Assessment Program (NCWAP) in California employed the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) software to assess the health of watersheds vital for anadromous fish populations. Developed by the USDA Forest Service, EMDS utilizes expert system software, GIS data, and fuzzy logic to evaluate environmental conditions, focusing on factors affecting fish habitat and sediment delivery. The program, conducted through a consortium of five state agencies, highlighted both the potential and challenges of using EMDS for ecosystem management, emphasizing the importance of accurate data and well-structured models.
17 - 2007 Intl Conf on GIS Puente et al 2007.pdf - The paper outlines a novel methodology for selecting sustainable industrial locations by integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with fuzzy logic. The model evaluates potential sites through a multi-stage process considering both traditional industrial factors and additional environmental concerns, utilizing geographic scales ranging from broad regional analysis to specific area details. It aims to aid urban and regional planners in decision-making by generating digital suitability maps and evaluating existing industrial areas based on sustainability criteria.
18 - 2008 Biodiv Conservation Heaton et al.pdf - The paper discusses the development of a spatially explicit decision support system to identify suitable translocation areas for Mojave desert tortoises, which are threatened by military expansion at Fort Irwin, California. The system integratively evaluates a range of biological, anthropogenic, and logistical criteria to propose seven translocation scenarios, culminating in a consensus model identifying six potential areas. This approach aims to balance scientific and management needs, ensuring that decision-making is transparent, systematic, and incorporates various stakeholder inputs and scenarios to address uncertainties.
20 - 2009 HICSS 42 Jensen.pdf - The paper discusses the use of the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system by the Northern Region of the USDA Forest Service to evaluate ecosystem sustainability, particularly in the context of National Forest plan revisions per the 2008 Planning Rule. EMDS is a decision-support tool that integrates logic-based and decision models to identify and prioritize areas for landscape restoration, optimizing the use of natural resources while considering social, economic, and ecological information. The approach involves a two-phase process where the logic engine assesses ecosystem conditions, followed by a decision engine that evaluates potential land management actions, ultimately aiding strategic and tactical forest planning across over 1,000 subwatersheds in western Montana and northern Idaho.
21 - 2010 ConsBio Staus et al.pdf - The paper evaluates areas of high conservation value in Western Oregon using a decision-support model focusing on the ecological objectives of the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP). This plan, initiated in 1994, aims to protect species associated with old-growth forests, such as the Northern Spotted Owl and Pacific salmon, but has shown mixed success based on recent monitoring data. The study, which identifies 18% of the study area as high conservation value mainly on public lands, demonstrates how decision-support models can effectively guide future land management under the NWFP, influencing plans like those by the Bureau of Land Management that consider management revisions to increase timber harvests.
22 - 2010 Env Mod & Software Wang et al.pdf - The article discusses the development of an integrated assessment framework and a spatial decision support system (IA-SDSS) to enhance carbon sequestration (CS) through land use planning and forestry development. The IA-SDSS incorporates spatially explicit models and analysis tools, including carbon models, ecosystem management decision support, cost-benefit analysis, and the analytic hierarchy process, to inform decision-making about land use changes that promote carbon sequestration. A case study in Liping County, China, demonstrates the applicability of this system in supporting decisions related to forestry land use options to achieve environmental and economic benefits in the context of CS.
23 - 2011 Env Mon Assess Gordon and Gallo.pdf - The article discusses the development of a computer-based decision support system to assist in assessing aquatic and riparian conditions under the Northwest Forest Plan in the USA. The system utilizes expert judgment to create a knowledge-based approach, addressing challenges in consistently evaluating watershed conditions due to diverse influencing factors and a lack of broad-scale data. By engaging experts in model-building and using different expert groups for each biophysical province, the assessment aims to ensure more participation and ownership, although it leads to variation among model structures.
24 - 2012 HICSS 45 Reynolds.pdf - This study focuses on predicting the impacts of atmospheric sulfur deposition on aquatic ecosystems in the southern Appalachian Mountains by using niche modeling to create continuous surfaces of acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and base cation weathering (BC). The research utilizes these predictions to estimate critical loads (CLs) of sulfur deposition, which indicate the threshold beyond which aquatic ecosystems could be harmed. A logic-based model, implemented in the Ecosystem Management Decision-Support (EMDS) system, helps assess these impacts by illustrating how lower ANC levels lead to increased stream acidity and mobilization of inorganic aluminum—both detrimental to aquatic life like brook trout and macroinvertebrates.
25 - 2012 Ok-Wen Restoration Strategy.pdf - The "Pacific Northwest Restoration Strategy" for the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, released in November 2012, outlines an adaptive ecosystem management approach aimed at restoring landscape resiliency. It emphasizes the urgency of addressing changes in forest ecosystems driven by factors like climate change, fire ecology, and various ecological interactions. The document details a comprehensive strategy that includes background information, new scientific applications, and a structured process for integrated landscape evaluation and adaptive management, focusing on collaboration, learning, and policy adaptation.
26 - 2014 EMDS chapter 01.pdf - The Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system is overviewed in this chapter, highlighting its development history, motivating factors, and principal concepts and functionality. The EMDS, originating as a project of the Pacific Northwest Research Station, evolved through several versions since its inception in 1994, starting with spatial analysis capabilities and later incorporating features for decision modeling, enhancing its utility in environmental management and planning. The chapter concludes by discussing the system's successful design factors, applications across various spatial scales, and experiences from its implementation in supporting modern planning processes.
27 - 2014 EMDS chapter 02.pdf - NetWeaver, a foundational technology for the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system, is a knowledge engineering tool that uses a graphical interface and fuzzy logic to simplify the creation and evaluation of knowledgebases. Originally developed to replace manual coding of dependency networks, NetWeaver allows non-programmers to construct knowledgebases efficiently and verify them in real time. Enhanced over time, especially with the release of NetWeaver2, it supports internationalization, security features, and provides modular and parsimonious representation, which is easier to build and maintain compared to traditional rule-based systems.
28 - 2014 EMDS chapter 05.pdf - The Integrated Restoration and Protection Strategy (IRPS) of the USDA Forest Service's Northern Region uses the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system to optimize planning for hazardous fuel reduction, recreation protection, and watershed improvement. The EMDS provides a structured, transparent approach to evaluate and prioritize restoration opportunities and supports collaboration across stakeholders. This strategy aims to sustain ecological, economic, and social systems by addressing management objectives, focusing on ecosystem diversity and resilience, and simplifying complex planning processes through a comprehensive decision-support framework.
29 - 2014 EMDS chapter 06.pdf - The chapter discusses the importance of accurate wildfire hazard and risk assessments for effective fire management, detailing how these assessments are used to plan, prioritize, and implement strategies ranging from prescribed burns to fire suppression. It highlights past challenges in fire risk evaluations due to the absence of robust decision support platforms, but emphasizes the role of decision support systems (DSS), like the Ecosystem Management Decision Support System (EMDS), in improving these assessments. Furthermore, the chapter outlines various methods for computing fire hazard and risk, showcases projects utilizing DSS for resource prioritization, and identifies the need for further research in fire modeling.
30 - 2014 EMDS chapter 08.pdf - The text discusses the challenges and methodologies involved in planning ecological research reserves, particularly for scientific study, using the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system. The process involves evaluating potential reserve sites at three geographic scales, with progressively detailed criteria, to support the research and teaching mission at the University of California, Merced. The approach highlighted in the study offers a flexible, transparent framework that can be adapted for ecological reserve planning not only in the U.S. but also internationally, thereby aiding in the systematic selection and ranking of sites based on their suitability for research purposes.
31 - 2014 EMDS chapter 09.pdf - The chapter discusses the application of Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) to conservation planning, focusing on the explicit definition and mapping of conservation values in large forest landscapes. It highlights the challenges conservation planners face, such as defining subjective values like biodiversity or mature forest connectivity, and how EMDS can address these by providing a framework for spatial assessments. The case study of the Sierra Checkerboard Initiative in northern Sierra Nevada, California, demonstrates EMDS's use in evaluating and mapping conservation priorities, emphasizing its potential despite being underutilized in conservation planning contexts.
32 - 2014 EMDS chapter 11.pdf - This chapter by M. Carmen Ruiz Puente focuses on a structured decision-making process for industrial park siting using EMDS (Ecosystem Management Decision Support), which aims to integrate sustainable development approaches with urban growth. Emphasizing the spatial nature of the planning challenge, it discusses the development of a multi-criteria decision tool for evaluating the suitability of land areas for future industrial and existing parks, stressing the importance of considering environmental, social, and economic factors. The tool, applied to a district in Cantabria, Spain, aligns with European environmental guidelines, advocating for industrial ecology principles that promote symbiosis between industrial operations and ecological processes to minimize environmental impacts and conflicts with other land uses.
33 - 2014 EMDS chapter 12.pdf - The conservation of Pacific salmon, particularly the Oregon Coast Coho Salmon (OCCS), is critical as their populations have reduced significantly, leading to their classification as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. A Decision Support System (DSS) has been developed to evaluate the biological status of OCCS, helping decision-makers analyze complex data tied to various ecological criteria across multiple scales. This DSS offers a structured and transparent method to assess recovery progress, codifying data pathways to support consistent evaluations while allowing for integration of new information over time, despite challenges in implementation and communication with resource managers.
34 - 2014 EMDS chapter 13.pdf - The EMDS Consortium is focused on developing EMDS 5.0 to enhance its ecosystem management decision-support tools with new features like web services and Microsoft's workflow foundation. This upcoming version will see significant enhancements to key components such as the NetWeaver and Priority Analyst engines, aiming to transform EMDS from a desktop system into a comprehensive, enterprise-level solution suitable for natural resource agencies. The 5.0 design objectives prioritize collaborative, flexible, and dynamic scenario planning capabilities, addressing previous limitations of fixed workflows, single-user constraints, and analysis of feature datasets.
35 - 2014 EMDS chapter 14.pdf - The text focuses on the usage and development of Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS), particularly noting their role in making complex decision-making processes, like those involved in ecosystem management, more transparent and effective. A specific SDSS tool, EMDS, is highlighted for its versatility in various application areas such as watershed analysis, wildfire hazard assessment, and wildlife habitat management, offering a robust framework for adaptive management despite its complexity. The ongoing evolution of EMDS, including the introduction of new features and addressing user feedback, reflects its adaptability and continued relevance in supporting environmental planning and decision-making.
36 - 2014 PNW Science Findings 162.pdf - The text discusses restoration planning on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in eastern Washington, focusing on creating resilient landscapes despite the challenges posed by human settlement and land management alterations. The Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system is highlighted as a tool that aids land managers in evaluating and prioritizing restoration efforts through logic and decision models, which assess landscape potential and produce strength-of-evidence scores. By integrating interdisciplinary knowledge, the EMDS facilitates transparent evaluation and strategic planning, aligning restoration activities with future climate conditions to improve ecosystem resilience and sustainability.
37 - 2015 EcoInformatics Pechanec et al.pdf - The paper discusses the development of a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) for evaluating landscapes based on ecological stability, erosion susceptibility, retention capacity, and economic value. The system integrates tools such as ArcView GIS, EMDS, and NetWeaver to implement widely accepted methodologies like the RUSLE method for soil erosion and the Runoff Curve Number Method for retention capacity assessment. By synthesizing these analyses, the system aids in informed decision-making for land management amidst complex environmental and socioeconomic criteria, exemplified by its application in the Trkmanka catchment area.
38 - 2015 PNW Science Findings 175.pdf - The text discusses the issue of sulfur emissions from coal- and oil-burning power plants, which continue to acidify streams in the eastern United States despite declining emissions, creating ecological stress. To address the problem, scientists at the U.S. Forest Service have developed machine learning models to predict base cation weathering (BC) rates that help buffer streams against acidification, with a focus on the southern Appalachian Mountains. These models have proven more accurate than traditional methods, revealing additional climatic influences on BC rates and aiding in the creation of sulfur critical load models essential for environmental policy and management.
39 - 2016 JEM Londono et al.pdf - The paper discusses a fuzzy logic-based approach for identifying potential infiltration areas in low-gradient watersheds, utilizing remote sensing data. This method was applied in the Pampa Plain of Argentina, characterized by significant agricultural activities and high groundwater demand, assessing sites based on hydrologic and soil conditions. The study highlighted that subwatersheds with low drainage density, arable land, and specific soil types presented high potential for infiltration, suggesting this model could enhance water management and land-use planning.
40 - 2017 KC riparian 2881.pdf - The Snoqualmie Valley Agricultural Production District Riparian Restoration and Agriculture Partnership Building project aims to balance ecological restoration with agricultural productivity by identifying and prioritizing riparian areas for protection and restoration. The project emphasizes the importance of collaboration among various stakeholders, including government agencies, conservation groups, and the farming community, to address the complex challenges of salmon recovery and sustainable agriculture. Acknowledgements highlight the roles of numerous contributors who have facilitated this initiative, with an emphasis on building trust and creating strategies to utilize limited resources effectively for riparian restoration with minimal agricultural disruption.
41 - 2018 JoF Cannon et al (1).pdf - The article highlights the use of the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) tool, alongside GIS, in managing and restoring forests within the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Washington. By prioritizing restoration efforts based on five resource criteria including fire and insect risk, vegetation, and wildlife habitats, this approach aids in designing effective landscape-level restoration projects. These forest restoration activities are crucial for enhancing resiliency against severe wildfires and insect outbreaks, addressing climate change impacts, and conserving fish and wildlife habitats while allowing for adaptive management through continuous testing and evaluation.
42 - 2018 JoF Cannon et al.pdf - The article discusses the use of geospatial technologies, particularly the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) tool, for forest management in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in Washington State. It highlights the importance of forest restoration activities in maintaining ecosystem services and increasing resiliency in the face of severe wildfires, insect outbreaks, and climate change. By evaluating key resource criteria, the study identifies priority areas for restoration, supporting a comprehensive and adaptive approach to managing forest resources effectively.
43 - 2019 LTW Landscape Restoration Strategy.pdf - The Lake Tahoe West Landscape Restoration Strategy is a collaborative initiative aimed at addressing urgent ecological threats in the Sierra Nevada and Lake Tahoe Basin, where forests face rapid changes due to factors like climate change and drought. This framework, which involves multiple stakeholders and experts, seeks to comprehensively restore 60,000 acres of land on the west shore of Lake Tahoe to create resilient forests, wildlife habitats, and local economies against the backdrop of California's increasing wildfire severity. Time-sensitive actions outlined in the strategy are vital to improving air quality, protecting human safety, and sustaining the region’s natural landscapes and recreation-dependent economies.
44 - compag 2005b.pdf - Decision support systems have evolved significantly since their introduction in the early 1980s to address complex challenges in forest management, including sustainable and adaptive management. Modern systems like NED, LMS, and EMDS in the United States are increasingly sophisticated, integrating extensive decision support features to provide effective management solutions across various scales. Despite substantial advancements in supporting evaluation and planning, there remain opportunities for further development, especially in plan implementation and forest ecosystem monitoring.
45 - Decision_support_model_.pdf - The article discusses the implementation of a decision support model for assessing aquifer pollution hazards and prioritizing groundwater resource management in the wet Pampa plain of Argentina. This model employs the DRASTIC and GOD parameters to prioritize subwatersheds based on criteria such as farming activities, pesticide use, and irrigation. The methodology, tested in the Dulce Stream Basin, effectively identified priority areas for aquifer protection, while also highlighting challenges and recommendations for real-world applications.
46 - ForEcol 2007 fuels.pdf - The study presents a decision support application designed to assess wildland fire danger and prioritize subwatersheds for vegetation and fuels treatment, focusing on the Rocky Mountain region. The application utilizes a logic model to evaluate fire danger through three primary factors: fire hazard, fire behavior, and ignition risk, and a decision model to consider wildland–urban interface (WUI) contexts, operating within EMDS in ArcGIS. The study highlights that strategic factors, such as proximity to population centers and presence of endangered species, should inform treatment priorities, and the system can support planning at various scales.
47 - ForEcol 2019 Gonzalesz-Olabarria et al.pdf - The study published in the journal "Forest Ecology and Management" focuses on using the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) System to enhance the allocation of Management Areas for Fire Suppression Support (MASSs) in the Catalonia region of Spain. These MASSs are strategically chosen to change fire behavior and significantly boost the effectiveness of fire suppression efforts. By considering factors such as the likelihood of large fires, the potential spread, proximity to valuable resources, water supply, and accessibility, the study proposes a combination of strategic and tactical planning to improve suppression efforts.
48 - ForEcol 2020 Poavk et al Palau.pdf - The study published in "Forest Ecology and Management" outlines a decision support tool developed for the conservation of tropical forest and nearshore environments on Babeldaob Island, Palau. This tool aims to prioritize catchments for reforestation or protection to enhance coral reef health by modeling sediment yields under various vegetation scenarios. It emphasizes the importance of a ridge-to-reef approach for managing the impacts of land-based activities on these vulnerable ecosystems, highlighting the need for data-driven strategies in resource management.
49 - forests 2015 Reynolds et al.pdf - The Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system serves as a framework for spatially enabled knowledge-based decision support in environmental analysis and planning across various geographic scales, incorporating advanced geographic information systems and decision modeling technologies. It features a logic engine for landscape evaluations and a decision engine to prioritize management activities, tackling large, complex ecosystem management issues even when data is incomplete. The system's success over 20 years has been attributed to its design capabilities, including logic modeling and multi-criteria decision analysis, with plans for future enhancements to address adaptive management challenges and climate change impacts.
50 - Forests 2018 Marto et al.pdf - This study explores the integration of various decision support approaches to optimize the selection of bundles of ecosystem services within a forested landscape in Portugal, an area involving multiple decision-makers. By employing a combination of the web-based SADfLOR decision support system and the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system, the research demonstrates the efficacy of distinguishing optimal solutions for the delivery of ecosystem services. The methodology involves a multicriteria decision analysis and a spatial logic-based assessment, providing a comprehensive framework that supports diverse decision-makers in negotiating and achieving consensus on forestry management and planning solutions.
51 - Forests 2021 Marques et al.pdf - The article discusses the use of multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) and group decision-making to enhance stand-level forest management models and collaborative planning in forest management, particularly in joint collaborative management areas like ZIF in Portugal. The research involves creating a cognitive map, structuring decision trees, and applying a Delphi survey to evaluate the importance of different criteria and alternatives for forest management. Key findings suggest that actors prioritize income and risk criteria, while there is less consensus on wood demand and biodiversity; these insights can help improve decision-making processes and management planning for forest landscapes.
52 - ForPolEcon 2003 Reynolds.pdf - The article highlights efforts to apply the Montreal criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of temperate and boreal forests, emphasizing a logic-based system to enhance consistency and transparency in assessing forest sustainability. It underscores the importance of "fuzzy logic" for integrating diverse expert judgments about ecological, economic, social, and institutional relationships within this framework, which inherently involves policy choices and value judgments in defining sustainability. Additionally, it notes that both policy and science are essential for selecting sustainability values, developing indicators, and ensuring that implemented plans meet sustainability standards.
53 - JEM 2014 McDonnell et al.pdf - The study in the Journal of Environmental Management explores the impacts of atmospheric sulfur deposition on aquatic ecosystems in the southern Appalachian Mountains, focusing on acidification and its harmful effects on aquatic biota. The research highlights that 20.1% of the streams in the study area have acid neutralizing capacities below critical levels, particularly affecting smaller streams, with sulfur deposition often exceeding the threshold levels their environments can tolerate. The paper stresses the importance of balancing sulfur levels to maintain ecosystem health and calls for management policies based on calculated critical loads and exceedances.
54 - JoF 2001.pdf - The article by Keith M. Reynolds discusses the importance of bioregional assessments in the context of forest ecosystem sustainability and introduces a logic-based modeling framework to address challenges in this field. It highlights the complexity of assessments due to numerous interconnected environmental, social, and economic factors and emphasizes the need for a balance between scientific rigor and public involvement. The text specifically focuses on the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system, which incorporates knowledge-based reasoning technology to aid in the evaluation of forest sustainability.
55 - JoF 2014 Bollenbacher et al.pdf - The article discusses the development of a decision support tool by the USDA Forest Service Northern Region to aid in the restoration and protection of forest landscapes in the Northern Rocky Mountains. This tool, known as the Integrated Restoration and Protection Strategy (IRPS), integrates ecological, social, and economic factors to prioritize forest restoration efforts amid challenges such as climate change and limited resources. The goal is to restore forests to a resilient state, considering historical conditions, current challenges, and future uncertainties, especially in light of stressors like drought, fire, and pest outbreaks.
56 - Land 2021 Marques et al.pdf - The article presents a Group Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support System approach to address the complexity of allocating ecosystem services (ESs) to management units (MUs) in forest management planning. This methodology integrates Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system to reconcile the varied priorities of stakeholder groups, such as civil society, forest owners, market agents, and public administration. Applied to a collaborative management area in northwestern Portugal, the study highlights divergent priorities among these groups—particularly between civil society and other groups—suggesting the approach could assist in resolving conflicts and enhancing the effectiveness of forest management plans.
57 - pnw_2017_reynolds001.pdf - The article discusses the evolution of spatial decision support systems (SDSS) for forest management, particularly focusing on the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system, which has integrated new features for tactical planning in watershed restoration. The study is applied to the Chewaucan watershed in the Fremont-Winema National Forest, identifying high-priority areas for restoration based on strategic criteria such as stream accessibility and upland condition. The research emphasizes the removal of barriers to fish passages and the restoration of riparian vegetation as critical actions for improving fish habitats, and proposes a hybrid approach to planning that incorporates geodesign principles for landscape management.
58 - pnw_rn581.pdf - The Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system has been enhanced with the inclusion of BayesFusion's SMILE (Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine), integrated with GeNIe software, to develop Bayesian network (BN) models for decision-aiding in risk analysis and management. The system, which has been serving land managers for over 20 years, integrates empirical data, GIS, and knowledge-based reasoning across multiple analytical engines including fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision analysis. The BN component, with its ability to represent uncertainties, is particularly beneficial for adaptive management in ecosystem restoration, enabling sequential and automated workflow processes for comprehensive strategic and tactical planning.
59 - Sustain 2013 Hessburg et al + Suppl info.pdf - The article explores how historical management practices have altered the ecological patterns and processes of forested landscapes in the U.S., specifically focusing on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. It discusses the complexities and challenges faced by land managers in attempting to restore landscape integrity and sustainability amid the influences of climate change, and notes the development of decision support tools to aid in evaluating and implementing landscape restoration efforts. By fostering cooperation between stakeholders, the study suggests that a shared vision for ecologically and socially desirable forest restoration is beginning to emerge in Washington State.
60 - sustainability 2017a Reynolds et al.pdf - The article discusses advancements in spatial decision support systems for forest management, specifically focusing on the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) system in the context of watershed restoration in the Fremont-Winema National Forest in Oregon, USA. EMDS has evolved to support strategic and tactical planning by identifying high-priority subwatersheds for restoration based on decision criteria such as stream accessibility and upland conditions, recommending actions like removing barriers to fish passage and restoring riparian vegetation. The study illustrates an integrated approach for forest management, emphasizing geodesign by combining new tactical analysis features with traditional support for landscape analysis to create comprehensive management plans.
61 - sustainability 2017b Reynolds et al.pdf - The article discusses the Terrestrial Condition Assessment (TCA) conducted by the USDA Forest Service to evaluate the ecological integrity of National Forest System (NFS) lands in the U.S. The TCA assesses the impacts of stressors such as insects, disease, wildfires, and elevated temperatures to identify restoration opportunities, and it uses existing national data integrated into the Ecosystem Management Decision Support system for landscape analysis. The assessment found that approximately 74% of NFS lands exhibit moderate or better ecological integrity, highlighting the challenges of insect-related mortality, high wildfire hazards, and climate-related stressors, and underscores a pressing need for strategic restoration efforts.
62 - WatResources 2014 Povak et al.pdf - The study focuses on predicting base cation weathering rates across the southern Appalachian Mountain region using both linear regression and machine learning models. Key factors influencing weathering rates include lithology, soil characteristics, sulfur deposition, forest cover, and climate. The research found that random forest models significantly reduced error rates compared to traditional models, providing more accurate predictions to aid in regional sulfur critical loads modeling and environmental management.