A powerful decision support system for sustainable ecosystem management, combining data analysis with spatial decision-making tools.
EMDS Consortium - Crafting custom decision support and knowledge management solutions with GIS and advanced analysis tools for over 20 years
EMDS Highlights
Free for All Users
EMDS desktop products are free to use by everyone. Custom development and training services is available upon request.
Scripting Support
EMDS is extensible using R, C#, Python, and Javascript, and has connectors for other 3rd party tools. Custom connectors can be developed using custom C# activities, or through our solutions.
Multiplatform Support
EMDS runs on ESRI's ArcGIS Pro 3.x and ArcMap 10.2-10.8. Beta versions for QGIS and an online version of EMDS is currently in development.
Big Data Support
Able to handle multi-gigabyte vector, raster and tabular datasets.
Who We Are
The EMDS Consortium is a group of businesses led by the Mountain View Business Group who have partnered with the USDA Forest Service to build and grow the EMDS Framework. The initial consortium members were Mountain View Business Group, Rules of Thumb, InforHarvest and the USDA Forest Service. After careful review of our needs for EMDS's growth, in 2016 we added LPA and BayesFusion to the consortium. To find out more about these outstanding companies just click on their name below to get to their web site.
Over the past 30 years, the USDA Forest Service, primarily with the Pacfic Northwest Research Station as been instrumental in supporting EMDS through its application in real-world ecosystem management projects, fostering advancements in decision-making tools, and providing a rich landscape for testing and refining spatial analysis techniques. This collaboration has helped establish EMDS as a trusted resource for sustainable environmental management.